As Father’s Day is approaching, I dedicate this to my friend James: In appreciation of The Full Time Father (Seattle Family Portraits).

Women have done it for centuries: full time care giving that is. I see and admire the work of Mothers everyday. With  Father’s Day approaching I would like to express admiration for a friend of mine, James, who is a stay-at-home dad. He takes care of his 2 children: Johannes (5 years old), and Anna (2 years of age). His days are filled with what every Mother’s day is filled with: mundane tasks, loads of laundry, smiles, a few tears, meltdowns, meal making routines, lots of love and more…  Some time ago I met James and children at Shilshole Beach in Seattle. Somehow I had the “perfect prop” in my car: a weightlifting barbell. We took it to the beach and James started lifting weights while Johannes hung from it. James said: “As a parent I feel like the mythical Atlas a lot, holding The Earth on my shoulders. Now, I feel it literally!”  James is a terrific full time father: understanding, thoughtful, positive, patient, forgiving, and loving. Happy Father’s Day James!

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This story was run for Father’s Day at the Seattle’s Red Tricycle newsletter. Few editorial changes were made to the published story. For the original story, please go above.

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Mention the above Red Tricycle article and receive a discount on a humorous portrait of your toddler! For details, contact Anita Nowacka, the photographer via her main website: