Kids Portrait Photographer
How do I make children laugh or be authentic while I’m photographing them?
Most likely, I have never met the family before the family photo session. Kids don’t know me and per usual they take time to warm up. How do I bring out those genuine smiles, laughter, poses, and expressions that you know are your children’s true personality? Do I have a formula or is it all by chance? My approach is much like an experienced chef. I know the overall predetermined process of following a recipe and creating a favorite dish over and over. But, I also have to be in the moment, using my imagination to add new spices at the right time, as I watch the prepared meal unfold. As with photographing your children, I may find a flower I didn’t know would be on site, and it becomes that secret ingredient for the perfect photo shoot.
Photographs of Your Children Being Themselves
Most important, when photographing children, you need to have an open heart. To use another culinary analogy, one needs a “joy of cooking and love for the craft and its process”—this applies to photographing families and children as well. Follow a familiar recipe however be open to trying a new particular approach each time you meet with a family or photograph a child. I love what I do! And, when you have passion for something, a positive reciprocity will meet you on the other side. From this reciprocity, I find myself photographing your children while they are expressing their truest selves.