A while ago when I was doing an online search about displaying and framing family photos, I found this comment by Michelle:
“I’m Brazilian and everybody here has family pics in the living room. My mom have lots of pics of me and my sister as toddlers, playing house, drinking tea, dressed up at holidays, playing in the street with neighbor kids, although I didn’t appreciate as adolescent. Despite that, I loved to visit my grandmother’s sisters and see pics of my mother’s cousins as kids playing, and that classical black and white boards of them as babies laughing, crying, making faces… “
As a creative with a visual orientation, I agree! I think that a tasteful display of family photos creates a warm, cozy atmosphere, which turns a house into home. Most of all, it can create a sense of closeness when individuals are reminded of the continuity, love, and pride within their families.
I create powerful images of families at each photo session. Some feature single children, others, siblings, or children with their parents. My work supports the findings of psychological studies, which suggest that it is helpful for children’s development to see themselves as an important and cherished part of the family unit.
Recently, I photographed a Seattle family outdoors, on Alki Beach and in the rain. They requested their session revolve around their brand new Mini Cooper. Although we had gotten all the photos needed to complete the project, I asked for one more take before we parted. I took a photo of them as a team, bent over the open car hood, fixing a component of the engine.
When I presented the proofs, the entire family quickly decided that that particular photo would become the centerpiece of their living room. For high visibility they chose to display it over fireplace, where they often gather together. The final photo was printed in a large framed gallery format with museum- quality glass, ensuring the highest standard in the visual presentation. As the family sits in front of the fire the image of their unique bond reinforces their closeness.
Don’t hesitate to frame and display your family photos as a reminder of the love you have for each other and the special moments you have shared. They will bring joy into your life each day! Anita (Seattle Family Photographer)