Recently, I traveled to Detroit with Ron Henry, the founder of BlackRapid, a Seattle based company, and a few other Photographers from all over the US (and one from Canada). The trip was about bringing awareness to the Detroit’s stray dog problem (some sources said: 50,000 – 100,000 of them). After a 3 day search for dogs in many neighborhoods we found 1 (one) stray dog. The video below says a bit more about what we encountered in Detroit. To sum it all up: the circumstances required that we transform the original idea into something else. The No Workshop Tour concept was born! The idea of No Workshop Tour is to learn photography by doing it, by exploring with others, by sharing ideas and thoughts while in the process of seeing and photographing rather then being in a classroom. In late October of 2011, chosen photographers will travel to New Orleans for the Halloween time to document The City’s beating heart: it’s magnificent, full-of-history places, and its people!
“Seven plane tickets to Detroit– $$$. Hotel, food, drinks– $$$. Meeting a bunch of awesome people, hanging with talented photographers, seeing a city in a whole new way, AND a group shot where Motown began? …… Priceless.” Jeff
“What a time to be able to just indulge in the time it takes to explore , explore, explore and to let one thing flow into the next and staying in the moment! Life in it’s perfect moments.” Mary
“If you have the opportunity to attend one of the No Workshop Tour – GO!!! You will grow, not only as a photographer, but in other ways… you might even be inspired to see a city, or any subject with a fresh set of eyes.
I can honestly guarantee you, it is well worth your time.” Jeanne