Author: anita

  • Winter family portraits, Seattle, WA

    Winter family portraits, Seattle, WA

    While winter time offers marvelous light for portraits outside, the city however lends its walls for interesting and sometimes even magical backdrops.  With the perfect light, great subjects and fabulous colors of Seattle’s EMP Museum another winter family photo session was made.

  • Happy Holidays from a Seattle family photographer!

    Happy Holidays from a Seattle family photographer!

    Happy Holidays!  Thank you for your support and friendship!  I look forward to the New Year filled with creativity, new ideas and  capturing connections between the loved ones!  With much love, Anita.

  • Holiday Family Portraits, Seattle, WA

    Holiday Family Portraits, Seattle, WA

    Throughout the year I photograph families and this is the grand finale… when families send cards to me with photos that we created together.  This was a family that I photographed in New York in the heart of Central Park.  This memorable time was solidified with kind words and holiday wishes from this client delivered…

  • Newborn photography, Seattle, WA

    Newborn photography, Seattle, WA

    I am wishing for spring these days, despite the fact that it is still a long way away.   As of today, we are yet a few days from the longest and darkest winter’s night. As a natural light photographer, I really do live for those perfect non- rainy days when I can photograph families in…

  • Portraits of a couple before their Seattle wedding, Brooklyn, NY

    Portraits of a couple before their Seattle wedding, Brooklyn, NY

    He once was from Seattle. She is from Brooklyn. They met and what are the odds…. Cheers to love, companionship and capturing that.

  • Seattle Summer and kid photography, Seattle, WA

    Seattle Summer and kid photography, Seattle, WA

    This year’s Summer has been incredible.   These images were made what seemed like the last day of it.  We are still hoping for warm days through October.   All will be embraced, however once more: this year’s Summer has been incredible and I loved photographing kids enjoying the sun, water, warmth and beach time till glorious…